Thursday, September 27, 2007

Back to the Velvet Underground--the floor that I love

Well, I have been back in Dallas for about a month now. I think I am still processing a lot. I think I'm one of those people that should be careful not to ignore their emotions. I have decided that I'm going to take time off during winter break to travel by myself. I am enjoying being solitary. It's strange, because I hadn't been single for the last two years of my life, and so I forgot how amazing it can be. Usually you hear people complaining about being single, as if you're not complete if you're not with someone. But I really do think I can be complete by myself. And I think it's an important step in my life--to feel like just me is enough. I am getting there, anyway. I have been working, going to school, and playing (hehe). It's nice to not have to consult with someone else before doing something. I don't mean that in an unhealthy way, but, you know in relationships you just have to do that. You have to check in. And I hope all the people that have found someone are truly and genuinely happy. But I just want to jump for joy some days at how happy I am just being alone, unattached, and exploring this amazing world we live on.

Did you know that Iceland is rated the fourth happiest country in the world? I am thinking I will go there over winter break. That, or Denmark (they were rated first).

I love my life. No particular reason (that's a good thing). It doesn't have to be perfect, I just enjoy being alive and here to experience everything.

Playlist, "September"
The Glow- Tall Tales
Love me in the morning- Clare Burson
What Goes Around- Justin Timberlake
This Guitar Says I'm Drunk- John Bustine
Love, Love, Love Everyone- Akron; Family
Your Spanish Scarf- Dan Blakeslee
Boundary County- Eilen Jewel
Pretty Little Bird (The Saint of Vancouver)- Mark Berube
Red Sky- Thrice

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