Monday, November 12, 2007

Thoughts on Death

I had my sobering experience for today. Our family dog who had been fighting cancer for the last few months finally passed away.

It's kind of a lesson in humility for me, because here I was, trotting along with my day-to-day life, with my everyday concerns, and then something comes to remind me, "Hey, you're not the only person on this planet."

You know that death has always been wondered about ever since we have existed, so you would think we would have come to terms with it by now, but I think it's something our society definitely has a fear of. Especially sudden deaths, dying young, or dying under "unfair" circumstances. Today, the principal at the school where I help with an after-school program had to brief me and my coworkers about a child who had passed away at a pool party. I can't even imagine losing a child, or having a life as short as six years. And to think that I have had fourteen more years than that child of life experiences...well that is just unfathomable. I feel like I haven't even appreciated it like I should. I feel like I should be squeezing every ounce out of life more than I do, but then I think about what I would want to be doing on the day that I die. Really, I hope it is just like every other day--being with my family and friends, and enjoying life.

And what would happen if I died suddenly? I used to think that I would be upset if I knew that people just went on with their daily lives like nothing happened when I die, but I think now that I would actually prefer that. I don't want to be the center of someone's universe; I want them to find their own center. And I would hope that my funeral would bring people together. After that, I don't care about what happens to my body or my possessions because that wasn't who I am, if you know what I mean. People talk about having their ashes know, I would probably prefer that if it would take up less space, but I don't want people to hold on to pieces of me that no longer exist. Wow, that's so funny to think about--not existing. Can you imagine someone you love just not existing anymore? Just not being animated and real and alive? I can't.

Which makes me wonder, how do we get over that fear? My grandmother told me once that she and her friends decided that they didn't want to be afraid of death anymore, so they were going to create a "heaven on earth," and they formed their own spiritual discussion group. I just want to be in that frame of mind, but I don't understand how anyone can calmly accept death when there is so much to go out and live, soak up, and experience. I feel like there will never be enough time to do it all! Don't take me yet, I'm still learning!!

And is death the end? I personally want to believe the answer is no because I feel and see so much that can't be explained. Even if it isn't "rational" to believe in life after death, it is apparent to me that there is definitely a human need for it in our minds and our hearts. If that sounds cheazy to you, just think about it--what essence truly makes a man? Does it go beyond his or her body? Well, yes, unless you are really that shallow. And if it goes beyond the body, then does it go beyond personality that defines a person? Well, even though we definitely remember the way people act and what they say when we think of that person, we also remember the way that person made us feel, and that is on a different level than what someone says to us (their jokes, their advice, their conversations with us). It seems to me that, when I am not too distracted, and I think about someone I really love and care for, I have no words for it. It is just a summary of the experiences I have had with them and an impression I associate with them, and them alone. Their "essence." It seems to me like if there is life after death, something must happen to that essence after the body and mind are gone. I have to wonder where it goes, and if I will ever see it again. Who knows! I sure don't have all the answers.

"While I thought that I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die."- Leonardo Da Vinci

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Ode to Life

Oh, Life...I love, you, I really do.

Just when I think I have no direction, and that I am not doing enough in this world, you remind me of the little things that are not so important it is to be kind to others because it might change his or her life for the better.

Just when I think I have you all figured out, you take me by surprise and teach me a lesson or two.

Thank you for grounding me when my ego gets way out of control, and for reminding me of the qualities I may forget that make me essentially who I am when I start to doubt myself.

And thank you for my friends, my beautiful, kind, loving, supportive friends. No matter how many wonderful people I have in my life, you always see to it that I rekindle my old friends, and that I am always making new ones. Even when I fail to see it, you always bring people into my life who will change it for the better. I am so glad that when I forget who I am there are always people there to remind me and love me. I forgot that it was possible! I get so cynical sometimes.

I only hope that I can eventually live up to this wonderful person that so many people take me to be. Well, I know I am awesome, but there is room for improvement. If people are looking up to me I better know what I'm doing!

I know I am not perfect, and I know something tragic could happen to me at any second that might make me temporarily forget how amazing you are, Life, but since I am in the moment and right now I am feeling it, I thought I would recognize just how amazing you are. You rock, Life. I am glad to just be here for the experience. What crazy things will Life come up with next??!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Follow the Leader

I love my family. I actually think most people relate to the need to have one, whether it be by blood or by spirituality. I am lucky to have both with my extended family (grandparents, aunts, and uncles), however, my parents are slowly opening up and my brother, well he is seventeen and frustrated with life. He will come around, though.

I left for college for two years and came back. And I had this strange realization. Sometimes I am the leader of my family. I hope that doesn't sound conceited because I don't say this like it's always a good thing. It's actually quite shocking. My family looks up to me and base their actions on some of the things they've seen me do. For example, I have always loved community theatre and in college I started singing. Well, now my parents are doing it, too. My mom is also really into Unity now, which I never thought she would be. My brother actually listened to all the cd's I burned for him and bases his own taste for music off that collection. And now that I am back in town, whenever something bad happens, my dad always calls me first. Not my mom. Wierd, huh? I am the one who plans and networks between our family and our relatives, and I am the assertive-take-charge person in my family, which means that when my parents are too afraid to speak up, I usually do it for them. I hope this doesn't sound over-controlling. Someone's got to do it.

I've learned a lot from this realization. Firstly, if someone's looking up to me, I damn well better straighten up and fly right. When I first got into town, all I could think about was partying and celebrating being single after two years (I am so egotistical sometimes...). But now, I am really feeling this genuine desire to settle down and do what truly makes me happy, and fuck worrying about relationships. Sometimes, though, I just want to hang a sign around my neck that says, "You can come with me if you want to, but please don't distract me!"

Secondly, maybe families don't have one leader. I always thought it was the parents. Maybe it's not. Maybe it rotates, and undoubtedly we all have something to learn from each other, even if it just means learning from each other's mistakes. I know after growing up with my family that I will never cheat on my partner, and that's something most people learn too late.

And no family is perfect. That is the damn truth. And I am okay with that. I didn't used to be. It used to make me very angry, but the truth of the matter is that where there are people, there is the human experience. There is happiness, sadness, drama, fighting, loving, and everything in-between. Families are such a good practice for the outside world because I think if I can love my family and get along with them, I can create my own someday. How exciting! Spiritual families, a family with children, network families...there are endless possibilities!

"The family. We were a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together."- Erma Bombeck

"I love you!"
"I love you too, but I'm going to mace you in the face!"
-The Darjeeling Limited